Ron DeSantis Daily Schedule

A confidential source who works for Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida has just leaked his daily schedule, and it’s a shocker! I have it down to a T. In addition to being a big fan of Florida politics, I also have very deep respect for the intelligence and professionalism of public servants.

The source told me that this person would only speak on background if I personally vouched for the credibility of my source. That is the least I can do, since the source has been so forthcoming with me, so I have vouched for his professionalism and honesty.

The source detailed DeSantis’ wild drug use, the influence of the governor’s wife, DeSantis’ reliance on his staff, DeSantis’ “special” friends and his secret (to everyone) extramarital relationships.

I’ve put in a call to my source’s contact, who told me the following: “I would never tell anyone this, but what he’s shared is accurate. I can tell you that he has been with Ron DeSantis on many trips to the Bahamas and on one occasion met with his wife.”

3:00 p.m. rise

3:05 Chivas Regal with the morning papers

3:45 cocaine

4:15 gin

4:45 dinner at El Palacio de las Americas

6:00 cocaine

6:30 dinner at The Ritz-Carlton

7:00 vodka

8:00 Ambien

8:30 dinner at The Ivy (with “the ladies”)

9:00 bath

9:20 Xanax

9:45 whiskey

10:05 marijuana to “relax”

10:20 cocaine

10:45 dinner at Le Parker Meridien

11:00 Xanax

11:15 Ambien

11:30 whiskey

12:00 a.m. marijuana

12:20 bed

5:30 rise

5:40 coffee

6:00 breakfast at The Mansion (with the wife and kids)

6:30 chardonnay and cocaine

6:45 wife drops off kids at school

7:15 cocaine

7:30 morning papers

7:45 Percoset

8:00 vodka

8:05 morphine

8:20 a visit to a “specialist” (code for “sex”)

8:30 vodka

9:15 meeting with advisors

9:45 cocaine

10:00 heroin

10:30 lunch at El Floridita (with the kids)

10:45 marijuana

11:00 cocaine

11:30 dinner at The Palm (with the wife)

12:00 vodka

12:15 morphine

12:30 bed

The Governor is known for his ability to stay up all night. He gets so wrapped up in the campaign that he actually takes Xanax in an attempt to “relax” from all the stress. On election night, there are reports of him going into early-morning voting places, and making a mad dash to the nearest liquor store to stock up on vodka.

This is all based on actual eyewitness accounts of the Governor’s lifestyle, which included a “private jet” and a personal chauffeur. His family says that after a hard day of partying, he’d often fall into his bed, exhausted, to take a few minutes to think of his campaign strategy before getting up.

The Governor’s advisers claim he can stay awake for as long as 24 hours straight. “He’ll stay awake for days on end, working out strategy while he’s awake,” said a spokesman. “That’s the only reason he’s successful. He knows when to rest, when to party, when to go out.”

In addition, the Governor has been known to take a few lines of cocaine (after-hours, and out-of-town) in the hopes that he will be more “excited” when he wakes up the next morning. But his staff says he always has the common sense to cut himself off as soon as he realizes the mistake he’s made.

“It’s no secret that the Governor likes to party,” said a source close to the campaign. “We’ve seen it firsthand, the Governor on the night before his appearance. We’ve seen the Governor in his hotel rooms, and we’ve seen the Governor when he’s in the middle of a rally. We know he likes to party, and he’ll party to exhaustion.”

Abercrombie 2020?

Far-fetched? Some may say. But, Neil 2020 is looking closer and closer like a reality.

If he runs, he would have a pretty good chance I believe. We should remember the last Democratic President came from Hawaii (Obama) who was very popular also; so the state has a history of producing good candidates. He is a strong progressive and is known for voting against the Iraq War and legalized same sex marriage in his state. This puts him at an advantage over other candidates, who might not have as strong accomplishments.

While some have pointed out David Ige defeated Abercrombie in a primary landslide, we should take into account 2014 was a Republican wave year, and Ige is more conservative than Abercrombie. As Hawaii is basically a one party state this means many Republicans crossover vote in the Democratic primary, and it’s off their backs that David Ige, a DINO was elected. This should be seen as a fluke, and since the Overton window has shifted mostly to the left since then especially, among the Democratic primary base Abercrombie would have today an advantage. And in the land of obama which has produced strong Progressives like Tulsi Gabbard and Mazie Hirono, they will come home to their former governor. There’s also the age issue some people might bring up; Abercrombie who will be 82 when sworn in is only a couple years older than frontrunners Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.

Iowan voters especially I think will favor Abercrombie since he fits right into the mold of Obama and John Kerry, I think Abercrombie even might be seen as an FDR-type figure among Democrats. If he runs which I think he will he will get my 100% support.

I want a progressive president with proven accomplishments.

I want somebody who’s an insider and an outsider at the same time.

I want somebody who’s experienced but not afraid to fight.

That’s why I support Neil Abercrombie.

We now get to the question of a running mate. I think Nick Rahall would be a great running mate as he could reverse swings in ancestrally D areas and appeal to moderates. With Rahall on the ticket Abercrombie would have a lock on the Midwest and West Virginia.

Another option would be Roland Burris – as Obama’s successor in the Senate he’d naturally appeal to and win the Obama coalition. Plus, it adds diversity to the ticket and would drive up African American turnout.

Tony Knowles would provide geographical balance (one nominee from Hawaii and the other from Alaska). Since a Hawaiian (Barack Obama) and Alaskan (Sarah Palin) together received 100% of the electoral votes in the 2008 election, this ticket would be all but guaranteed to win.